My Personal Christian Blog

Thanks for sliding into my blog site. This blog bog is a spin-off from my website at Call me a Night Owl, as my full-time mission and hobby are jabbering from midnight until 8 a.m.ish with chatter bugs across the world. Hoot, hoot! Being a retired newspaper guy and a Curious George, I've written and assembled a whack of stuff that I hope you'll find interesting and thought-provoking. Check out the Stories bar on the right side, below, for all my articles - from my web site and this blog.

September 5, 2013


By Harold Smith

QUESTION: It seems that in your articles you do not empathize good works. If we do not maintain good works, do you think we will go to Heaven?

ANSWER: This is an old question that keeps popping up all the time. I do not believe that salvation is by faith AND works, but I do believe in SALVATION that WORKS.

In other words, there will be some fruit or evidence of  salvation in the lives of those who claim to have it, some thirty fold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

Salvation is an act of the sovereign grace of God. God didn't owe us anything. But because He is merciful and gracious, He has provided a great salvation for us. It is free to those who ask.

"Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt." (Romans 4:4)

"And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." (Romans 11:6)

The above verses show that if salvation is by works then it is no more grace. These two do not mix. However, if you have a kind of profession that does not work at all, then you are not likely to have God's salvation.

It is not of works, but it works in us. The Holy Spirit transforms our life from the inside out. It is "God's power unto salvation to everyone that believeth." (Romans 1:16)

Good salvation video here -