Is there just one judgment in Heaven?
By Paul Tatham
QUESTION: Is there just one judgment in Heaven?
ANSWER: No, there are two judgments.
Those who accept in this life the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as total payment for the all their sins and are “saved” will stand in judgment before God, but will go to Heaven.
Those who have rejected Christ or chose to believe it took the sacrificial blood of Jesus plus their good works to gain Heaven will stand before God in a gut-wrenching second judgment.
Those who stand before God in the second judgment will be separated from God eternally, but their hellish punishment will be based upon how good or bad a life they lived; their works.
Speaking of born again believers, the Bible in 2 Corinthians 5:10 says,
“For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”
That verse applies to those who are “saved.” They go to Heaven. However, they will be judged for how they lived as a Christian after they were saved. Eternal rewards will be at stake.
Those who have not trusted Christ as Savior will stand before the great white throne and be judged "according to their works." (Rev 20:11-15). Everyone there is Hell-bound. This judgment will be to determine the degree of their punishment in Hell. A single general judgment day is just another traditional church-taught baloney sandwich.
If you are not a Christian, I would exhort you to sincerely repent of your sins and receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin and so from eternal damnation.
The Bible states repeatedly that the way to Heaven is by accepting what Jesus completed on the cross. There is no other way.
He said in John 14:6,
"I am THE WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, NO MAN cometh to the Father by me.”