By Grace Kemp
How does someone get saved during the Tribulation? That's a great question.
In the Old Testament, salvation was "of the Jews" (John 4:22).
Anyone who wanted to be saved came through the Jews and their animal sacrifice system. Jews were called a "kingdom of priests" (Ex. 19:6), meaning they were the mediators of salvation on earth.
Following the rapture and during the tribulation, salvation will again be "of the Jews."
Two "witnesses" will descend from heaven (Rev. 11:3) and who likely remain in Jerusalem preaching the "Gospel of the Kingdom," at the altar in front of the newly-built Jewish temple on the temple mount (Rev. 11:1,2)
Their "first fruit" converts will be 144,000 Jewish men.
By the midpoint, 1/3 of all the Jews will accept Christ as their coming King and Messiah (Zech. 13:8,9).
During the second half of the tribulation, the 144,000 converts will travel around the world preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Gentiles. Millions will be converted to Christ (Matt. 24:14).
Salvation will consist of rejecting the Beast in Jerusalem who will claim to be God, and believing Christ to be the true and coming King.
If they "endure to the end" (maintain that belief), they will be rescued at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.