By Grace Kemp
1. How long will it take for God to judge the billions of people on Judgment Day?
In an earthly setting, such a judgment might take a billion years to process 15 billion (?) people. When God created our cosmos, he created time with a progression from past to present to future.
God, however, lives in the eternal present where, "a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday." (Psalms 90:4) Time stands still in eternity.
2. Will there be a long line in Heaven waiting for their final judgment?
This judgment of all those who died in their sins will take no time at all because time has ceased to exist.
3. Will all sinners be dragged to Hell by the angels? Will we see it? What will be the process?
It is highly likely that angels will drag the condemned souls to Hell based on angels carrying out God's judgments throughout the Tribulation.(See Revelation 7:1; 8:2; 16:1; 18:21; 20:1, etc.)
As for the process, as each one stands alone before God, the Book of Life will be examined, only to discover that the name is missing.
This is followed by an examination of the books of works which record good and bad deeds done on earth, Many references indicate that there are degrees of punishment in Hell and the condemned soul will suffer according to their works on earth (Luke 12:47). If this were not the case, why record their works at all?
4. Will we see it?
I believe so. What is a court without witnesses? Undoubtedly, the sinner will try and change the story but "in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established". (11 Corinthians 13:1) We can anticipate being called as witnesses for the prosecution. (Matthew12:42)
To recap, the unsaved dead stand before God. Their bodies, resurrected from their graves, are joined by their spirits, resurrected from Hell. (Revelation 20:13)
Each will stand alone before God, "from whose face the earth and the Heaven fled away." No "mediator" will be present to plead our case and nothing to forgive us of sin.
The names of the unforgiven will be absent from the Book of Life. The books of works will show the record of all our good and bad deeds on earth. Behind the throne will be the "cloud of witnesses," the saints of all ages, ready to testify of their encounters with the condemned person during his/her life.
Sadly, all of the unsaved will be banished to the Lake of Fire where the degree of punishment depends on their record of lifetime works. In view of this,"...what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness," says 11 Peter 3:11.