By Grace Kemp
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins and rose again from the dead.
When we admit that we are a sinner and humbly turn to Him for forgiveness and receive Him as our Savior, He forgives us for every sin we have ever committed and makes us a member of His family.
Without a doubt, the gospel is the best news of all time. Because of the gospel, we can spend eternity in Heaven. Without the Gospel, we remain in our sins. No unforgiven sinner will ever enter Heaven.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, " I declare unto you the gospel..which..ye have received….by which..ye are saved..how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures”
The word “saved” is used 53 times in the New Testament and means to be delivered. Imagine a person in peril. Someone sees his plight, assesses the situation, then perhaps risking his own life, executes a successful rescue. We call that person a hero.
God is absolutely holy. Man was born with a sinful nature, and chooses to sin. While some sin more than others, we all sin. It takes only one sin to separate us from God. Because of sin, we are in danger of eternal separation from God. We need to be saved!
Consider the following chilling words:
* Romans. 3:23 - “All have sinned”
* Romans. 6:23 - “The wages of sin is death”
* John 8:21 - “If you die in your sins, where I go ye cannot come”
* Hebrews. 9:27 - “After (death), the judgment”
* Matthew. 3:7 - “Flee from the wrath to come”
* Luke 16:23 - “In hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments”
* Revelation. 20:15 - “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire"
God sacrificed his beloved Son to save us from going to Hell. If we ignore or reject Christ who is our one and only means of salvation, we will send ourselves to Hell. But we will have stepped over Christ’s dead body to get there.
Purgatory does not exist. Not only does the Bible never mention it once, but teaches that Hell is a never-ending place of eternal torment from which lost souls never escape.
The Bible says we must be saved to get into Heaven. To get saved, we must pray what is commonly referred to as the Sinner’s Prayer Here are the essentials.
1. We must acknowledge that we are sinners and can do nothing to save ourselves.
2. Confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.
3. In simple faith, accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Invite Him into our life.
4. The Bible says we are to tell somebody what we have done. See Romans 10:9.
Dear God,
I am a sinner and I need forgiveness.
There is nothing I can do to cover my sins, past, present, or future.
The Bible says, "Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness."
I want my sins forgiven right now so I can have a relationship with You and go to Heaven when I die.
I am willing to turn away from my sin.
I believe that:
Jesus Christ, Your Son, is the promised Messiah and Savior.
Jesus Christ died on the cross, not for His sin but to sacrifice Himself for my sin.
Jesus Christ is the only blood sacrifice for sin that You will accept.
Jesus Christ's resurrection proves that You accepted his sacrifice for me.
Because I believe all these things, I am now acting on them.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I repent of my sins.
I renounce all other gods.
I believe You are the Son of God and the only Savior.
I willingly and wholeheartedly accept You, Lord Jesus Christ, as my Savior and Lord.
I invite You to make your home in my heart.
Because you have promised to receive all who come to You in faith, I declare that:
I belong to You.
You are the Lord of my life.
I am now a member of the family of God.
I am in an eternal, covenant relationship with You.
This covenant is sealed by the Holy Spirit who now lives in me.
My name is written in your Book of Life.
Heaven is my future home.
My intention is to love and obey you with my whole heart.
Thank you, God, for your amazing love and priceless gift of salvation.
In Jesus' name, amen.
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