My Personal Christian Blog

Thanks for sliding into my blog site. This blog bog is a spin-off from my website at Call me a Night Owl, as my full-time mission and hobby are jabbering from midnight until 8 a.m.ish with chatter bugs across the world. Hoot, hoot! Being a retired newspaper guy and a Curious George, I've written and assembled a whack of stuff that I hope you'll find interesting and thought-provoking. Check out the Stories bar on the right side, below, for all my articles - from my web site and this blog.

June 5, 2016

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Part 1 of 2

By Paul Tatham

I Cor. 12:4 — “There are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit”
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are found in Rom 12, I Cor 12, Eph 4, I Pet 4

1. Prophecy 

Speaking a specific message from God,   appropriate for the occasion.    
Perhaps more of a forth-telling than a fore-telling.

2. Ministering  (a.k.a. Helps)
Serving others.

3. Teaching 

The ability to clearly explain and apply the Word of God.
 (It’s been said that the teacher speaks to the head while the prophet speaks to the heart.)

4. Exhorting 

The ability to stir up believers by encouraging, advising, or correcting them.

5. Giving
 The desire and ability to give generously to the work of the Lord.

6. Ruling  (a.k.a. Governments)

The ability to take charge and provide leadership

7. Showing Mercy

Showing compassion when the opposite would be justified

8. Word of Wisdom 

Sharing specific and appropriate words for the occasion.

9. Word of Knowledge 

Knowing something through a specific revelation of the Holy Spirit

10. Faith

Faith that acts in response to the known will of God

11. Healing

Ministering physical, mental, or emotional healing.

12. Miracles

Ministering with supernatural manifestations

13. Discernment of Spirits 

Ability to discern the source, whether divine or demonic

14. Tongues

Receiving a message for the church from God, while in church, then announcing it to the congregation in no known earthly language   

15. Interpretation of Tongues

Translating a tongues utterance in church into a known earthly language that the congregation can understand

16. Apostles 

A messenger commissioned and sent forth as the authorized representative of the sender; often applied to missionaries

17. Evangelist

Ability to clearly explain the gospel

18. Pastor 
A “shepherd” who leads, feeds, and guards the     “flock”

19. Hospitality

Sharing what you have in order to minister to the body of Christ

Can you identify your gifts?