“Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the
knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do
what ought not to be done.” Romans 1:28
Many Christians prefer not to talk about God’s judgment. They rightly
believe God is love, but have trouble reconciling the idea that the same God
brings judgment on people and nations.
One reason is because of an incorrect understanding of how God executes
His judgment. God does not sit in Heaven with a fly swatter, swatting a city
here or a nation there for their sin.
Neither are people who have committed a grave sin suddenly struck by a
bolt of lightning. God’s judgment is not arbitrary, nor contingent upon the
gravity of sin, but is entirely rational in that it is the consequence of our
own actions.
There is a natural law created by God, which is always seeking to
correct ill and sin in this world. There is also a moral law as constant and real
as the laws of physics, and the consequences for breaking either law can be
equally devastating.
If someone jumps off a building, hoping to break the law of gravity,
that person, not gravity, will be the only thing broken. Similarly, we cannot
break the moral law, which is sin, without consequences.
Romans 1 describes how sinful humanity traded truth for wickedness,
worshipped other gods, and believed they were wiser than God. The result is
that God gave these people over to their sinful desires, shameful lusts and
depraved minds.
Such is God’s judgment in action; not fire and brimstone from Heaven,
but turning them over to the natural consequences of their sin. His judgment
is saying, “If you persist in sin, I will leave you to it, but that sin will
destroy you.”
There is going to be a day when we stand before God’s throne and
receive judgment for our deeds. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is
death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
As sinners, the judgment we deserve is death, but only by believing in
Jesus Christ who received that
judgment in our place, will we receive the gift of eternal life.
In the meantime, God’s judgment is expressed in allowing the
corruption of sin to do its destructive work in our lives. This is true of
believers and non-believers alike.
Those who believe in Christ have their sins forgiven and eternal
destinies secure, but God will still allow judgment in this life if we
willfully and persistently engage in sin.
The struggle with sin is a constant battle, but God’s judgment in
allowing sin to take its toll in our lives demonstrates a loving God as He
will use it as a means for believers to find their way back to Him and for
non-believers to seek Him.
PRAYER: Almighty God, thank You for being equally loving and just. I
cannot thank You enough for Your forgiveness and for drawing me away from sin
and closer to You. Thank You, Lord.