Are Roman Catholic teachings supported by the Bible?
There are hundreds of millions of Roman Catholics (RCC) world-wide who are unaware of the dramatic differences between the official teachings, practices, and positions of the Catholic Church, and the teaching of the Holy Bible.
(Look on my website http://www.niteowldave.com or other related blog stories here for the specifics.)
The inspired Word of God must be the supreme authority from which all of us derive all beliefs and practices.
It makes sense that, at the very least, the New Testament must over-ride man-made traditions where there are conflicts. After all, the 27 books of the New Testament were approved by the Vatican in 393 A.D. at the Council of Hippo in North Africa.
Many sincere Roman Catholics, including laymen and parish priests, have never had sufficient cause to question the teachings of their church because they have never been adequately instructed in the Scriptural truths that challenge the principle doctrines of Catholicism.
Many have not been exposed to the clear, simple truths of the Bible because they have been repeatedly warned to rely on the official interpretations, opinions, and traditions of the church.
The Roman Catholic Church has traditionally suppressed, opposed, and forbidden the open use of the Bible.
It was first officially forbidden to the people and placed on the index of Forbidden Books List by the Council of Valencia in 1229 A.D.
The Council of Trent (1545-63 A.D.) also prohibited its use and pronounced a curse upon anyone who would dare oppose this decree.
Many popes have issued decrees forbidding Bible reading in the common language of the people, condemning Bible societies and banning its possession and translation under penalty of mortal sin and death.
The RCC has openly burned Bibles and those who translated it or promoted its study, reading, and use (John Hus, 1415 A.D.; William Tyndale, 1536 A.D.)
Though external pressures have caused Rome to relax its restrictions and opposition against Bible reading in America, the Bible is still widely withheld and its distribution and free use discouraged in many countries that are heavily influenced by Roman Catholicism.
Roman Catholicism is a system that is comprised of a mixture of truth and error.
On the surface, it appears to many to be a solid brand of Christianity because it staunchly claims to embrace and defend the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
However, a closer examination proves that it is a system that actually nullifies and distorts Scriptural truth by adding erroneous, man-made teachings that openly contradict the Catholic and non-Catholic Bibles.
For example, the Roman Catholic Church claims the inspiration of the Scriptures, but dilutes the Word of God by exalting the authority of its own traditions, councils, and decrees above the Bible.
Catholicism teaches the deity of Christ, but places Mary and priests as mediators between God and believers so that free access to Jesus is only possible through them.
It teaches the forgiveness of sin, but only through confession to a priest and the absolution given by him.
Catholicism teaches salvation, but substitutes a system of grace plus works in which human works are a necessary element for one's salvation.
It teaches that Christ established the Church, but exalts a man (the pope) as its head and invests absolute, infallible authority in him and his official decrees.
The distinctive features of Catholicism originated several hundred years after the early church was launched by the apostles.
(Look on my website http://www.niteowldave.com or other related blog stories here for the specifics.)
The inspired Word of God must be the supreme authority from which all of us derive all beliefs and practices.
It makes sense that, at the very least, the New Testament must over-ride man-made traditions where there are conflicts. After all, the 27 books of the New Testament were approved by the Vatican in 393 A.D. at the Council of Hippo in North Africa.
Many sincere Roman Catholics, including laymen and parish priests, have never had sufficient cause to question the teachings of their church because they have never been adequately instructed in the Scriptural truths that challenge the principle doctrines of Catholicism.
Many have not been exposed to the clear, simple truths of the Bible because they have been repeatedly warned to rely on the official interpretations, opinions, and traditions of the church.
The Roman Catholic Church has traditionally suppressed, opposed, and forbidden the open use of the Bible.
It was first officially forbidden to the people and placed on the index of Forbidden Books List by the Council of Valencia in 1229 A.D.
The Council of Trent (1545-63 A.D.) also prohibited its use and pronounced a curse upon anyone who would dare oppose this decree.
Many popes have issued decrees forbidding Bible reading in the common language of the people, condemning Bible societies and banning its possession and translation under penalty of mortal sin and death.
The RCC has openly burned Bibles and those who translated it or promoted its study, reading, and use (John Hus, 1415 A.D.; William Tyndale, 1536 A.D.)
Though external pressures have caused Rome to relax its restrictions and opposition against Bible reading in America, the Bible is still widely withheld and its distribution and free use discouraged in many countries that are heavily influenced by Roman Catholicism.
Roman Catholicism is a system that is comprised of a mixture of truth and error.
On the surface, it appears to many to be a solid brand of Christianity because it staunchly claims to embrace and defend the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
However, a closer examination proves that it is a system that actually nullifies and distorts Scriptural truth by adding erroneous, man-made teachings that openly contradict the Catholic and non-Catholic Bibles.
For example, the Roman Catholic Church claims the inspiration of the Scriptures, but dilutes the Word of God by exalting the authority of its own traditions, councils, and decrees above the Bible.
Catholicism teaches the deity of Christ, but places Mary and priests as mediators between God and believers so that free access to Jesus is only possible through them.
It teaches the forgiveness of sin, but only through confession to a priest and the absolution given by him.
Catholicism teaches salvation, but substitutes a system of grace plus works in which human works are a necessary element for one's salvation.
It teaches that Christ established the Church, but exalts a man (the pope) as its head and invests absolute, infallible authority in him and his official decrees.
The distinctive features of Catholicism originated several hundred years after the early church was launched by the apostles.
Though the Catholic Church argues that its roots can be traced to Christ, the historical facts do not support this claim.
Roman Catholic dogma has gradually evolved over the centuries. None of its major traditions and doctrines were taught, defended, practiced, or embraced by the apostolic church.
The RCC is all about power and control. It reigns over one billion people. Sad
Roman Catholic dogma has gradually evolved over the centuries. None of its major traditions and doctrines were taught, defended, practiced, or embraced by the apostolic church.
The RCC is all about power and control. It reigns over one billion people. Sad