America Faces Bloodbath? Radical Muslims March To Satan's Orders
The September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorist attacks in the U.S. were a walk in the park compared to what's coming.
America faces a bloodbath, according to an article attributed to an al-Qaida spokesman who claims such a slaughter is justified by Islamic teaching.
An article which appeared on the website of the Center for Islamic Research and Studies, Abu Gheith writes, "Muslims have the right to kill four million Americans—including two million children.
"We have not reached parity with them," the article states." The US has killed millions of Muslims around the world in places such as Iraq, the Palestine territories, Sudan, the Philippines, and Afghanistan.
"Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and biological weapons, so to afflict them with the fatal maladies that have afflicted the Muslims because of the (American) chemical and biological weapons."
"A former top-gun with the Southern Baptist Convention offered this gutsy—and accurate—assessment of the Islamic religion in June, 2002.
Said Rev. Jerry Vines, "Islam was founded by Mohammed, a demon-possessed pedophile who had 12 wives—and his last one was a nine-year old girl. Nine!
"And I will tell you Allah is not Jehovah either. Jehovah is not going to turn you into a terrorist that'll try to bomb people and take the lives of thousands and thousands of innocent people.
The statement prompted a ridiculous response from left-wing nut, Ingrid Mattson, a professor at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, who reflected, "It makes me wonder what's the hateful religion right now that we should be worried about."
Somewhat surprising, despite 9/11, Islam is said to be gaining membership in U.S. One must conclude that Satan is the power source behind the Muslim religion.
Doesn't it seem logical that the Islamic religion would take a hit in the number of devotees after the September 11 bloodbath when Muslim pilots ran high-jacked planes into major US buildings, and into the ground, killing 3,000? All 19 terrorists aboard the four aircraft were devout Muslims acting in the name of Allah.
Writes noted Bible lecturer and author Dave Hunt, "Logically, I thought the attack would expose Islam's violent nature.
"Instead, Muslim leaders have become popular speakers in high demand, and Islam is being hailed as a religion of peace and tolerance. More than 30,000 Americans converted to Islam in the first eight months after September 11."
Well, Satan, enjoy your ever-shortening life as the strangely-popular Prince of Darkness and your massive influence over many deceived people.
Unfortunately, the Muslims are just one of many deceived cults and religious groups raising Hell in these last days before the return of the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ.